Viewing data for Connecticut*

* data from HHS (HIPAA) breach database only

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Entity name  State  Reported date  # affected  Type of breach  Data source 
United Healthcare Services, Inc. Single Affiliated Covered Entity CT 05/12/2023 1116 Unauthorized Access/Disclosure Email
United Healthcare Services, Inc. Single Affiliated Covered Entity CT 05/05/2023 1971 Unauthorized Access/Disclosure Network Server
United Healthcare Services, Inc. Single Affiliated Covered Entity CT 05/05/2023 26561 Hacking/IT Incident Network Server
Merritt Healthcare Advisors CT 03/15/2023 88740 Hacking/IT Incident Email
NR Connecticut, LLC CT 02/07/2023 3045 Hacking/IT Incident Network Server
Aetna ACE CT 12/27/2022 4222 Hacking/IT Incident Email
Docs Medical Inc CT 11/15/2022 3146 Hacking/IT Incident Network Server
Yale University CT 11/11/2022 9051 Hacking/IT Incident Network Server
Sigmund Software, LLC CT 10/20/2022 983 Hacking/IT Incident Network Server
Reid and Riege, P.C. CT 09/28/2022 610 Hacking/IT Incident Network Server
Aetna ACE CT 07/27/2022 325278 Hacking/IT Incident Network Server
Kurilec Eye Care, LLC CT 07/08/2022 2876 Hacking/IT Incident Electronic Medical Record
Yale New Haven Hospital CT 06/17/2022 19496 Unauthorized Access/Disclosure Network Server
Shoreline Eye Group CT 05/27/2022 57047 Hacking/IT Incident Electronic Medical Record
ConnectiCare CT 05/16/2022 1196 Unauthorized Access/Disclosure Paper/Films
Fairfield County Implants and Periodontics, LLC CT 04/19/2022 10502 Hacking/IT Incident Email
Aetna ACE CT 02/15/2022 893 Hacking/IT Incident Network Server
Fiondella, Milone & LaSaracina, LLP CT 01/14/2022 6215 Hacking/IT Incident Network Server
Star Group, L.P. Health Benefits Plan CT 10/22/2021 9316 Hacking/IT Incident Network Server
Clinical Pathology Diagnostics, LLC CT 10/12/2021 2500 Hacking/IT Incident Email