Viewing data for Nebraska*

* data from HHS (HIPAA) breach database only

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Entity name  State  Reported date  # affected  Type of breach  Data source 
United of Omaha Life Insurance Company NE 07/26/2024 107894 Hacking/IT Incident Email
Midwest Covenant Home NE 06/28/2024 500 Hacking/IT Incident Network Server
Signature Performance, Inc. NE 06/10/2024 106540 Hacking/IT Incident Network Server
A&A Services d/b/a Sav-Rx NE 05/24/2024 2812336 Hacking/IT Incident Network Server
ALN Medical Management, LLC NE 05/23/2024 501 Hacking/IT Incident Network Server
Omaha Firefighters Healthcare Trust NE 01/20/2024 3567 Hacking/IT Incident Email
Two Rivers Public Health Department NE 04/14/2023 15168 Hacking/IT Incident Email
Gretna Family Health NE 04/07/2023 845 Hacking/IT Incident Network Server
Bosselman Energy, Inc. Health Benefits Plan NE 12/29/2022 735 Hacking/IT Incident Network Server
Sage Counseling Omaha NE 10/12/2022 1359 Unauthorized Access/Disclosure Electronic Medical Record
Cynthia Paul, M.D., LLC d/b/a The Coeur Group NE 09/23/2022 2020 Hacking/IT Incident Email
OrthoWest, PC NE 06/30/2022 1369 Hacking/IT Incident Email
Lori A. Harkins MD, P.C. dba Harkins Eye Clinic NE 06/10/2022 23993 Hacking/IT Incident Electronic Medical Record
Memorial Community Health, Inc. NE 06/06/2022 1658 Hacking/IT Incident Network Server
Arkfeld, Parson, and Goldstein, P.C. doing business as ilumin NE 04/29/2022 14984 Hacking/IT Incident Electronic Medical Record
Magnet Solutions, Inc. NE 11/15/2021 1553 Unauthorized Access/Disclosure Paper/Films
Bryan Health NE 10/25/2021 2753 Unauthorized Access/Disclosure Electronic Medical Record
West Holt Memorial Hospital NE 07/22/2021 541 Hacking/IT Incident Email
Southwest Nebraska Public Health Department NE 07/19/2021 12968 Unauthorized Access/Disclosure Desktop Computer
City of Lincoln Aging Partners NE 07/14/2021 1513 Hacking/IT Incident Email