Viewing data for Iowa

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Entity name  Reported date  # affected  Type of breach  Data source  Notification 
Tackle Warehouse, LLC 12/16/2021 - - - View letter
Tennis Warehouse, LLC 12/16/2021 - - - View letter
Sound Generations 12/13/2021 - - - View letter
Bansley and Kiener, L.L.P. 11/30/2021 - - - View letter
Den Hartog Industries, Inc 11/30/2021 - - - View letter
Astoria Company LLC 11/22/2021 - - - View letter
PAL Card Minnesota, LLC 11/19/2021 - - - View letter
Pawn America Minnesota, LLC 11/19/2021 - - - View letter
FCS Financial 11/15/2021 - - - View letter
J.B. Hunt Transport, Inc 10/20/2021 - - - View letter
Public School & Education Employee Retirement Systems of Missouri - PSRS/PEERS 10/14/2021 - - - View letter
ReproSource Fertility Diagnostics, Inc., additional supplemental information 1-31-2022 10/8/2021 - - - View letter
University Medical Center of Southern Nevada 10/4/2021 - - - View letter
The Neiman Marcus Group LLC 9/30/2021 - - - View letter
Forward Air Corp., Inc., additional supplemental information 11-8-2021 9/24/2021 - - - View letter
Navistar, Inc. 9/21/2021 - - - View letter
T-Mobile USA, Inc., additional supplemental information 10-11-2021, additional supplemental information 12-16-2021 8/24/2021 - - - View letter
Gregory P. Vannucci DDS 08/20/2021 26144 Hacking/IT Incident Network Server N/A
Destination Maternity 8/13/2021 - - - View letter
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co., supplemental information 7-21-2021, additional supplemental information 8-4-2021, additional supplemental information 8-12-2021, additional supplemental information 8-17-2021, additional supplemental information 9-1-2021, additional supplemental information 9-8-2021, additional supplemental information 9-13-2021, additional supplemental information 9-29-2021, additional supplemental information 10-7-2021, additional supplemental information 12-6-2021 7/16/2021 - - - View letter